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Every French region has its specificities. By studying in France, you will discover a diverse country with a rich and multi-cultural history.

Why choose France

France has made research and innovation national priorities. Discover, in images, the excellence of France’s internationally renowned research system.
Campus France Live

Your TV program to discover French Higher Education: overview, agenda, last videos.

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Rentrée des étudiants à l'université
How can you make a success of your next academic year?

The next academic year hasn’t even started yet, but some already think about it! And the first is é, a website that released a very comprehensive and documented article entitled Préparer ma rentrée étudiante (Prepare your next student year) that offers all useful info to help you succeed: administrative procedures, accommodation, health, everyday life, and more. And the ministry of higher education published a guide for high school students entitled, En route vers la vie étudiante (On the way to student life) a general guide providing tips. 

job étudiant
Graduates from French advanced institutions: professional integration maintains at high level

Professional integration of graduates from French advanced schools is doing good! An annual study from CGE (“Conférence des grandes écoles”) reveals that with a net employment rate at 85.8%, the professional insertion of graduates from the 2023 class maintains at high level. Recruitment of graduates is still as fast after graduation: about 85% have been recruited less than two months after the end of their studies, and about 67% had found a job even before passing their degree. Employment conditions are still excellent: 84.2% of graduates concluded a permanent contract and 86.4% have an executive status.

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